
Baby Sensory Norwich

07866 794888 norwich@babysensory.co.uk

Baby Sensory classes in Norwich locally in Cringleford and Sprowston

Welcome to Baby Sensory Norwich. 

Come and join our magical Baby Sensory classes, we have a different exciting theme each week so every class is different

 Our Summer Term is avaliable to book now! Monday and Tuesday classes will start the week beginning 3rd June and run until week beginning 29th July. Friday classes will start the same week and end on 19th July. 

 Babies are never too young to join...our youngest baby was just 3 days old

Our fabulous sensory classes run around Norwich, in Cringleford on Monday and Friday and Sprowston on Tuesday

If you would like more information about the classes please email me at norwich@babysensory.co.uk.


I'm really looking forward to seeing you in class soon!



Venue Days Times Ages Availability